Cùng chung tay để chống lại nạn buôn người – Nguyễn Đức Lộc

Chào mọi người, buôn người là một vấn nạn toàn cầu, mình đã tìm hiểu và viêt một bài luận về nguyên nhân, hậu quả và một vài cách khắc phục vấn đề này dựa trên kiến thức tìm hiểu được của cá nhân mình.

Được sự cho phép của cô Diệp, mình xin phép được đăng lên nhóm SEEDS Uni toàn chương trình.

Bài viết thực sự chưa thật tốt vì kiến thức mình còn mỏng, nhưng nếu bạn có thắc mắc về các từ ngữ được sử dụng trong bài và cần giải thích, mình sẽ giải thích cụ thể.

Chúc cả nhà một ngày bình an, mong bão sớm qua.

Sau đây là bài viết ạ:

Along with natural disasters and environmental problems, human trafficking is an alarming global threat to human kind. This phenomenon takes place because of the sizable profit it generates, organized gangs are established to smuggle people across borders. Another key rationale is the lack of knowledge on human trafficking and the desire of searching for a better life that the victims themselves carry. Human trafficking results in dire consequences and there is a number of measures can be adopted to prevent this human disaster.

On the one hand, human trafficking earns estimated $150 billion for the traffickers per annum, according to ILO (International Labor Organization) report from 2014. The biggest contributing sector is commercial sexual exploitation with $99 billion, this is followed by $34 billion in construction, manufacturing, mining and utilities. Owning to the money that this industry can generate, organized criminals pour part of their revenue into “marketing” their business and deceiving people to be their “customers” (aka victims). They target developing countries, especially impoverished areas, where information is limited and people are generally less educated and in search of bettering their lives. These asylum seekers do not acknowledge the risks they are about to undergo if they participate the journey.

Human smuggling originates devastating outcomes for the victims and the society as well. First, it is worth considering that the victims are deceived or even forced by the smugglers and they do not know how they “will be transported”, therefore they cannot acknowledge the risks of the journey. Furthermore, even if they had been delivered successfully, they are vulnerable to a set of threats. Illegal immigrants are not protected by the laws; they suffer from discrimination, are sexually exploited, beaten or even murdered. They live on the margins of society under extreme conditions: overwork and underpaid and they are always at risk of being deported. In cases, these illegal economic immigrants commit crimes; they rob, rape or kill each other on the way and they become human smugglers. About 60% of the smugglers used to be victims and went on to harm others. Human trafficking also supports money laundering, terrorism, debt collecting and other against-the-law actions; due to the limited length of this essay and the shallowness of my expertise, they will not be covered in this piece of writing. In short, human trafficking breeds social unrest.

So what should we do to combat human trafficking? First, I firmly hold to providing more vocational training and educational opportunities for deprived regions in developing countries. It helps reducing the unemployment rate and thus decreases the desire to illegally migrate for economic asylum. More affluent countries should provide financial aids to bridge the widening economic gap between the rich and the poor. Raising social consciousness by running campaigns against human trafficking, making its consequences ubiquitous so that people will not be tricked or forced by traffickers. Governments should have an integrated effort to eradicate organized gangs and alleviate poverty.

In conclusion, human smuggling is a human calamity, it is triggered by human beings and it creates dire consequences. To tackle this problem, we all have to take action on individual, familial, social and inter-governmental level. JOIN HANDS TO STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING.

Nguồn: Nguyễn Đức Lộc

December 14, 2019

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